We're sorry, but our classes for Spring 2018 have completely filled.
Watch this space for new class opportunities!
Following a smashing response in 2015 & 2016 & 2017, the Official Shakespeare Festival of the State of Michigan is offering workshops for professional actors, all taught by MSF Artistic Director Janice L Blixt. For more information or to book a slot, contact MSFCasting.

Folio Technique: Shakespeare’s Text and Why It’s Written That Way
July 18th 6 pm – 9 pm
Like musical notation, the capitalization, meter, and punctuation of Shakespeare’s plays gives direction to the actor for meaning and delivery. Learn this notation, known now as Folio Technique, as a foundation for character development and better storytelling. An essential for the Shakespearean actor, then and now.
Cost: $200, Limit: 30
Acting Shakespeare: Scene-work and Playing a Scene
July 25th 6 pm – 9 pm
Knowing the concepts and being able to implement Folio are often two different things: use the basics learned from Folio Technique to help in connection to the text and to your scene partner. Work on scenes from Shakespeare with other actors under the guidance and direction of our Artistic Director, Janice L Blixt.
Actors must attend the Folio Technique workshop, July 19th, to attend either the Scene Work / Acting or Auditioning Workshops.
Cost: $150, Limit: 20

Monologuing in the Classical Theatre
6 pm – 9 pm
Work on Classical Monologues—ones you already know and find new ones to help polish and present yourself in the best possible way. Use the concepts learned in Folio to refresh your audition portfolio and get the most out of your pieces. This workshop will concentrate on text analysis and performance.
Actors must attend the Folio Technique workshop, July 19th, to attend either the Scene Work / Acting or Auditioning Workshops.
Cost: $150, Limit: 20
Monologue Coaching and Audition Technique for Classical Theatre
August 8th 6 pm – 9 pm
Workshop your Classical Monologues and get coaching from Artistic Director Janice L Blixt on your piece and choices (from your headshots and resumes to cover letters and contacting casting directors to shaking hands and performing your pieces) and get a view of what casting directors for classical theatres are looking for.
Cost: $150, Limit: 20

Sign up for all 4 and save! Just $500 for the whole experience!
For information or to book a slot, contact Kimberly Grable, MSFCasting